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Home at Holmhead Grand Designs

Many people following the project on Instagram have been asking if we had considered to apply for the house to be featured on Grand Designs. The reason we have chosen not to go on the show has largely been down to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact this has had on filming schedules, which would have meant delaying the build.

We made contact with Grand Design's production team last year and submitted an application form to be on the show. The producers got in touch with us and were excited about the projects potential: a bespoke design, not similar to other houses in previous seasons, the client's background and the fact that they were going to be living on site in a caravan with young children while carrying out the challenging build on their own.

It would have made for a great TV episode and the producers had indicated that the project would qualify for a pilot film, which the footage would then be put forward to a shortlist for review to determine if it would make the TV series. All very promising and exciting news!

The problem was that in order for the project pilot to be given the go ahead, the works on site could not start for at least a further 6-8 months to make the necessary arrangements for the schedule filming due to the lockdown restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Delaying the works for this length of time was not an option and therefore we made the decision to proceed with the build and unfortunately had to turn down the opportunity of potentially being featured on the show.

Both the clients and Ekotect are incredibly proud of the project and the attention it has been gaining on social media and the local community. Therefore, when the house is complete we are keen to approach other architecture TV shows to see if they are interested in having the house feature.


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